Comment DBCC-4349
The proposed boundaries in their current form are nothing short of an affront to democracy. It is nothing short of utterly senseless to have Caernarfon and Newtown, or Aberystwyth and Tenby in the same consituency. I can only conclude these proposals have been drawn in an office by people with no experience of travelling and visiting the communities they're proposing to impact with these changes.
I also note the extreme changes to current boundaries in North West Wales in comparison to the limited changes in the South East.
This is not surprising, as there is not a single North Walian on your commission, which is staffed entirely by individauals with no understanding of North Wales, and it's chaired by a lady from Lincolnshire and contains several members from faraway places in England, yet none from North Wales. This fact alone should invalidate your proposals.
Indeed, the commission should publicly answer the question of whether the individuals responsible for this proposal have visited the settlements in-person affected by these changes. Have they travelled extensively to get an in-person, first-hand understanding of the economies and transportation links between these towns? Have they interviewed and collected data from the citizens living their lives in these areas to understand their views on these proposals? I am very confident they haven't, because if they had, they would have seen how imbecilic these changes are. Should these changes go ahead in their current form it would be one of the darkest days in Welsh democracy since 1997. These proposals are shameful and I am against the current proposals in the strongest possible terms.
Respondent type
Member of public
This comment refers to
The entire area under review.