Comment DBCC-7862
You have my support
For your initial proposal
As a Welshman who has lived in my country for 47 years I feel it is imperative to have the freedom of choice.
We live in a great society that has come so far through the ages and what many people have died through the ages to protect , be it through wars or political upheavals.
I do not believe in attempts to cancel a right or to suppress views and opinions of millions when Britain has done so much to set an example for freedoms the world over. Nobody ever looks at the good side of cultures and societies they always expand on all the negatives.
We have made so much progress in our way of living that we should never allow the cancellation or attempts of others to disrupt or corrupt what we value the most…Our freedoms.
I see Britain as a beacon of hope and unity set against the worlds wrongs and one we should always be proud of to show us always how to be.
We should stand United against the people looking to tear down what it means to be British, when it has so much positive light as a culture that outshines any past wrongs in the views in part of some ignorant critics.
To be diverse in a a society but where those who push diversity look to cancel a culture that has been an expression of it more than most.
Those people , those politicians who do that, are very wrong, and will always be wrong to attack what has been shaped and created over centuries.
They will destroy a culture and create many cultures within fighting for supremacy within for rule of these lands. The main culture should always be upheld and protected.
And there will never be peace again if it subjected to blame and hypocrisy of others.
Every nation deserves a prime culture to keep control and order above chaos and Britain has one of the best in the world due to given more freedoms than many, something that has not garnished the respect it deserves.
All my love and best wishes to the people doing what they can to protect that value. To know what being British means and to feel they are patriotic but in the most positive way towards their culture and way of life, which is better than so many other places today.
sincerely [REDACTED]
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Member of public
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