Comment DBCC-7926
To whom it may concern.
Please accept this as words of support for the Boundary electoral Initial
Proposals from a member of the Welsh public.
Parliamentary constituencies as they are now are not suited to most
of Wales...Pairings have needed to be looked at far more closely.
Local ties and communities need to be respected more.
Cardiff constituencies should definitely to be paired together and not
split as they are now.
Local ties in Valleys has not always been respected with closer tieing
up, Closer tieing would reflect local tethering up with communities more.
Wales would appreciate a system where views are easy to collate
together therefore making better sense and reflecting voting trends
in more modern and easy to understand form.
I would appreciate confirmation that you have received this.
Thank you and with kind regards... [REDACTED] Swansea.
Respondent type
Member of public
This comment refers to
The entire area under review.