Comment DBCC-7998
Dear Consultations Team
As a Welsh citizen, I am writing to you in support of the proposed changes to the boundary system, especially as the current map of voting areas shows that the current system is completely unfair. It has been to the advantage of one particular political party only, which we’ve been stuck with in power for over a decade now, and it’s the reason why so many people don’t bother to vote; they just feel that it isn’t worth it because we all know who’ll win, even if most of us don’t want them to.
For that same reason, I have no doubt that Welsh Labour politicians will be the most vociferous in protesting against any changes, as it would mean the loss of that unfair advantage. However, It’s high time that we, the voting public, had a fairer system, and that is why I implore you to implement the proposed changes.
Thank you, sincerely
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Respondent type
Member of public
This comment refers to
The entire area under review.